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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Aberle, N; Witte, U Deep-sea macrofauna exposed to a simulated sedimentation event in the abyssal NE Atlantic: in situ pulse-chase experiments using 13C-labelled phytodetritus 2003 Marine Ecology Progress Series 4 251 37-47 details   url
Amon, RMW; Bud?us, G; Meon, B Dissolved organic carbon distribution and origin in the Nordic Seas: Exchanges with the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic 2003 Journal of Geophysical Research 5 108 details   doi
Bischof, K; Peralta, G; Kr?bs, G; van de Poll, WH; Perez-Llorens, JL; Breeman, AM Effects of solar UV-B radiation on canopy structure of Ulva communities from southern Spain 2002 Journal of Experimental Botany 12 53 2411-2421 details   doi
Chapelle, G; Peck, LS Polar gigantism dictated by oxygen availability 1999 Nature 1 399 114-115 details   openurl
de Castellvi, J (ed) Actas des tercer symposium espanol de estudios Antarcticos. Gredos, 3 al 5 de octubre de 1989 1990 9 379 pp details   openurl
Gerland, S; Winther, J-G; ?rb?k, JB; Ivanov, BV Physical properties, spectral reflectance and thickness development of first year fast ice in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard 1999 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Polar Aspects of Global Change 6 275-282 details   openurl
Hilmer, M A model study of Arctic sea ice variability 2001 2 157 pp details   openurl

Hobson, KA; Ambrose Jr, WG; Renaud, PE Sources of primary production, benthic-pelagic coupling, and trophic relationships within the Northeast Water Polynya: Insights from δ13C and δ15N analysis 1995 Marine Ecology Progress Series 3 128 1-10 details   openurl

Hobson, KA; Ambrose Jr, WG; Renaud, PE Sources of primary production, benthic-pelagic coupling, and trophic relationships within the Northeast Water Polynya: insights from δ13C and δ15N analysis 1995 Marine Ecology Progress Series 10 128 1-10 details   openurl
Humble, T.S.; McCaskey, A.J.; Bennink, R.S.; Billings, J.J.; Dâ� � Azevedo, E.F.; Sullivan, B.D.; Klymko, C.F.; Seddiqi, H. An integrated programming and development environment for adiabatic quantum optimization 2014 Computational Science & Discovery 13 7 015006 details   openurl
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